Rich has the unique ability to look beyond an individual’s surface symptoms to see a much larger picture, which can identify the underlying causes of many illnesses.
Rich Brightheart has more than thirty eight years of combined experience as a doctor of oriental medicine (acupuncturist) and licensed massage therapist. He maintained one of the most successful Acupuncture/Chinese Medicine practices in the state of Washington and Arizona.
Rich has helped thousands of people recover their health by focusing on root cause solutions. Many of his patients had come to him with serious chronic debilitating illnesses. He has had excellent results with many of these patients by supporting them back to a state of health.

Rich has incorporated a multitude of cutting edge therapies as well as specific nutritional and herbal support in his Energy Healing approach. He embraces the Chinese medicine model (TCM) and meridian system. This system of energetic medicine is the body’s core electromagnetic communication network, which is the basis for many effective modalities.
Rich has an in-depth educational background and a thorough understanding of anatomy and physiology, from both Western and Eastern approaches. This gives him the unique ability to look beyond an individual’s surface symptoms to see a much larger picture and identify the underlying causes of many illnesses. With his knowledge and diverse skills, he is able to break these puzzles down into smaller components, and has the ability and tools to reverse many of these conditions.
Education and Background
Richard Brightheart, L.Ac., M.Ac., received a masters degree in oriental medicine (acupuncture) from the Northwest Institute of Oriental Medicine in Seattle, Washington in 1998. He had previously studied sports medicine at University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, Washington. He holds a Idaho State license in Acupuncture.
Rich holds dozens of educational certificates in many specialties which include: various forms of applied kinesiology (clinical muscle testing), as well as a full spectrum of energy medicine modalities. This includes various Chinese meridian-based therapies. Several soft tissue dysfunction/rehab therapies, compromised immune and autoimmune-related illness, functional medicine, homeopathy, homo-toxicology, herbal/nutritional support and heavy metal detoxification.
In addition to his formal education, Rich has spent hundreds of hours of independent study in the fields of immunology, microbiology, biochemistry, pathology, auto-immune illnesses, emotional healing, detoxification, herbal medicine, nutritional support, allergic sensitivities, energy medicine and soft tissue pain and dysfunction.
He has taught anatomy and physiology, structural and functional kinesiology, applied kinesiology, clinical injury rehabilitation and massage therapy at three massage schools and one kinesiology school. He was also co-owner of a massage therapy school. He has worked with a professional sports team and alongside medical and naturopathic physicians, Chiropractic doctors and physical therapists. He is the author of An Integrative Approach to Healing Chronic Illness (fourth edition).