Epstein Bar Virus (EBV) got much exposure 15 years ago from a fictitious book, written by a physic, while in a dream trance. He claimed it caused many health issues beside chronic fatigue and that 32 EBV strains would someday be discovered. The book sold millions of copies and the author was charging 500.00 a session and booked out for months to tell people this narrative in regard to their health condition. None of the 32 strains were ever found or mentioned in any studies since. Unfortunately, the alternative health community, including naturopaths, nutrition and health coaches etc. were suddenly convinced that EBV was the beast on the block, and everyone was on board with EBV testing as it could be the only pathogen causing your fatigue and assortment of health issues. Misinformation has many forms as the author was at best a marketing genus.
Epstein Bar Virus (EBV) can cause chronic fatigue, just like Cytomegaly virus (CMV), which both cause mononucleosis and chronic fatigue. CMV is just as common but was never mentioned in his book. EBV or CMV are not even in the top ten pathogens that can cause chronic illness in terms of the percentage of infected people in population and the wide perspective of severe and chronic symptomology, including severe fatigue. What is often lurking behind the scenes is much more debilitating and diverse intracellular (living within a cell) pathogenic forms going undiagnosed. My book goes into real research, science and thousands of patient interactions. All backed by facts about chronic infectious illness, allergies and yes detoxification.