Many of us walk around with gut issues that may be caused by lingering bacteria and/or parasites. Symptoms include chronic constipation, intestinal pain, diarrhea, bloating etc. When it becomes chronic, we may be diagnosed with either colitis, Crohn’s Disease or irritable bowel. What these labels actually mean is intestinal inflammation that has been present over a long period of time. What causes these chronic symptoms may be related to several factors. The first is Intestinal parasites and bacteria that have developed either acutely or became chronic. Parasites are very common in the U.S. Thinking that we only get these from travel abroad is a misguided belief. Both acute and chronic bacterial infection from eating various meats is also common as standards for safety have been lapsed for years now. Studies have shown that as much as a third of all poultry can harbor several bacterial agents. Chickens fed antibiotics can develop mutated bacterial strains. Lab testing for parasites and bacteria may not be very accurate, depending on which lab performs it. Parasites can live for years within the intestinal wall avoiding detection and coming out only to feed, never showing up in a random stool sample. Food allergies may also play a role. Common food allergies include wheat, gluten, dairy and corn. Eating these foods on a regular basis may increase intestinal inflammation.
Using a strategy of parasitic cleanses and intestinal gut repair products may reduce intestinal inflammation and help process to a more stable intestinal environment, as well as going gluten and dairy free.
Here are some of the best products available on the market for supporting the intestinal tracts return to normalcy. Using para 1 helps to clear mucus plaque out of the intestines, thereby making the intestinal environment an unfriendly environment for parasites to live. Para 2 is a strong anti-parasitic formula to be used in conjunction with the Para 1. Adding MegaMucosa to support the rebuilding and repair the intestinal wall along with Megaspore probiotic or CT biotic and Megaspore prebiotic to support the friendly intestinal bacterial growth.
This combination along with diet can have a very positive synergistic effect on the intestinal tract, thereby reducing inflammation and improving gut integrity and reducing symptoms.
Years of lab testing has led me to the most complete overall lab testing for gut issues.