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Leaky Gut Syndrome and Intestinal Inflammation

Leaky gut syndrome is a term that has been used in the alternative medical community for years. Leaky gut syndrome is caused by long-term damage to the gut lining, which inhibits the proper assimilation of nutrients. It also causes undigested protein particles and toxins to slip through its damaged lining and enter the bloodstream. The immune system will see these particles as foreign bodies and start attacking them causing an autoimmune type of reaction. This process can eventually lead to a medical diagnosis of Chron’s Disease, colitis and irritable bowel syndrome


Pathogenic organisms such as parasites, bacteria and Candida albicans from antibiotics, steroids and birth control pills causes candida overgrowth within the intestinal tract that have helps to create a chronic intestinal inflammatory environment that usually causes intestinal damage, leading to dysbiosis (gut flora integrity imbalances). These organisms set up their residence, usually in the small intestines where the food source is most readily available. Candida albicans or intestinal yeast overgrowth has been strongly implicated in leaky gut syndrome. This comes from taking antibiotics, birth control pills, steroids and consuming foods that contain glyphosate (non-organic wheat that has been sprayed with roundup) as well as GMO foods and unclean animal products (non-organic meats) and pesticides. People who eat these products will eventually see a slow deterioration of gut integrity. Any lingering bug will damage the mucosal lining over time. Candida and other bugs will burrow themselves into the mucosal lining creating a home in which to multiply and feed off of their favorite host, that is you. Your intestines are then unable to fully absorb much of your nutrients, and the bugs end up feasting on your food and multiplying at your expense. I also believe that this damaged mucosal environment intestinal inflammation will also allow some of these foreign invaders to enter into the bloodstream and end up anywhere they decide best suits their needs. This includes common intestinal bacteria, parasites and fungi such as candida albicans. There is a major connection between intestinal conditions such as Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel disease (IBS), colitis and leaky gut syndrome.

ALLERGIES:  Other inflammatory causes can be from long-term allergic reactions to certain commonly eaten foods, such as wheat, gluten or dairy foods. Since gluten is in so many grains, this irritant can cause chronic inflammation in the gut. This intestinal inflammation can be at a low-grade level so that pain may not be present. This type of low-grade inflammation over time can cause permanent damage and intestinal permeability. Allergic intestinal reactions can cause or contribute to Leaky Gut Syndrome over time.

Many people are given various supplements to help heal the gut wall. This can be helpful. However, as long as the gut is a host for unwanted guests and chronic allergies then healing can only be short lived as the damage continues. The pathogens and allergies must be eliminated before long-term healing can take place. Para 1 and Para 2 from Cellcore can help to clear the intestinal parasites. Once they are eliminated then specific nutrition such as spore biotics and gut repair can be added which helps to repair the damaged intestinal lining and rebuild the gut wall. A quality probiotic can help, such as Mega Spore Probiotic and CT Biotic from Cellcore, both use a use the much superior endospore delivery method. In addition to this, you can add Mega Prebiotic to help feed the good bugs. Mega Mucosal helps to repair the intestinal lining, supporting the rebuilding of the intestinal wall. All three products are from Microbiome Labs and can be used together to form the most comprehensive gut restoration program available. Read my extensive chapter on intestinal disorders in my book An Integrative Approach to Healing Chronic Illness.

I love the comprehensive intestinal lab testing by BIOME FX