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MCT Oil (powder)

The idea that fat burns fat through the process known as ketosis has been around since the days of the atkins diet which was very popular in the 90’s. MCT oil stands for middle chain fatty acids. New research on these fatty acids is a hot topic as many are experiencing increased energy, mental health and weight loss. These fatty acids are extracted from coconut oil and are now available in powder form. Coconut oil contain 4 carbon molecules. C6, C8,C10,C12. The latter carbon C12 does not easily convert to ketones, C8 and C10 are the most common extractions used for MCT oils. These two are used because they have the greatest benefits for energy, weight loss and mental well being. They are burned for energy and not stored as fat. C8 is caprylic acid and C10 is capric acid. C8 also has anti-microbial qualities to support gut health. C8 has been used for candida overgrowth support for years. MCT oils has a anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and restorative properties to support brain and intestinal health. C8 and C10 are converted to ketones in the liver.

Personal testimonial: I started taking the Divine health 10/1/18 strictly for weight loss as I have good health and energy. My plan was to lose 4 inches or more form my mid section. My main tools were to increase ketosis, lower my carb intake to under 50 grams per day and exercise a minimum of three times a week. The Divine health MCT oil powder was a big part of this. What I noticed within the first week was increased mental productivity and overall energy. I just seemed much more happy, but didn’t relate that to the MCT oil. However as the days went by this mental and physical energy continued. 1 scoop of the French vanilla in my coffee and another scoop in my late morning smoothie was my routine. Once it became apparent that the MCT oil was the cause of my increased energy and sense of well being, I decided to do research on the MCT oil. The information I studied was right on target with the science behind it.

Today I write this because I believe this is the lifestyle I want going forward. My weight has started to come off as I have lost at least an inch around my waist with 3 more to go and my blood pressure has lowered. Normally the fall in Washington state is my worst time of year because of the lack of sunshine and barometric changes and cold. This has MCT OIL Powder from Divine Health been the easiest fall in 40 plus years as My brain feels so energized and I finally have a concrete plan for loosing weight. Divine Health’s MCT oil powder uses 75% C8 which is the most efficient to produce ketones to 25% C10. This ratio is preferred to other products that use a 50/50 blend. You can’t buy happiness but you can buy the Divine Health MCT oil. It comes in french vanilla (my favorite so far), coconut crème which I love in my hot chocolate, as well as unflavored, pumpkin spice and hazelnut. It mixes easily and tastes terrific