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The Cause of Fibromyalgia/Mitochondrial Dysfunction

Labeled Disease:

The better label for these set of symptoms is Mitochondrial Dysfunction instead of Fibromyalgia. Mitochondrial dysfunction is caused by a group of pathogens, specific allergic sensitivities and muscular drainage issues. These causes are thoroughly covered in my book. An Integrative approach to Healing Chronic Disease. fourth edition. The effect of the cause(s) is Muscle pain and fatigue.

The pathogenic cause:

When pathogens (various organism’s) invade the muscles, they create inflammation, which bocks the cells ability to function in a normal manner and interferes with the cell’s metabolism. They block, or greatly hinder the Krebs cycle by damaging or hindering the mitochondria of the cell. The krebs cycle is the metabolic pathway for energy production and utilization within a cell. Mitochondria are organelles within each cell which produces most of the cell’s energy, which is known as ATP. The invading pathogens cause an overburdening of cellular debris to occur. This cause of mitochondrial dysfunction will overload the lymphatic system, which has the task of removing waste products from the muscles. Once the lymphatic system is compromised, the body is not as able to provide fresh blood and nutrients that the muscle cells need to produce energy. As muscles work, they produce lactic acid. When this is not properly removed from the muscle cells by the lymphatic system, the muscle itself begins to shut down. This all leads to an over-acidic and depleted oxygen environment. A high acid environment also interferes with the muscle cell’s ability to utilize oxygen. This becomes a cascading effect that starts with pathogenic entry into the muscle tissue at the cellular level. The Krebs cycle’s inability to function properly then becomes an effect of the whole scenario. The muscle pain and fatigue are the effect of the above.

Mitochondrial dysfunction is usually not a Krebs cycle or magnesium deficiency problem. This theory has been proven to be false due to the availability of oral Krebs cycle nutrients. Many people have been told that by consuming these in a supplement form, the symptoms will improve. This is not a very effective approach. This is because the lack of these Krebs’s cycle components within the muscle is not the cause of the mitochondrial dysfunction. However it is an effect of the real cause, which is a chronic infection of a type, or group of pathogen(s). These organism’s have a tendency to invade muscle tissue and damage mitochondrial function. This is why the nutritional approach is not what I have ever recommended to my patients. However some patients can have a allergic sensitivity to magnesium. This can create a magnesium deficiency, even if they are taking huge amounts of it. This deficiency may cause tight muscles. This sensitivity can be corrected. Gluten and wheat sensitivities can also mimic the muscle pain symptoms as well.

There are specific anti-microbials and drainage formulas that can help to support the body in targeting these type of organism’s and their effects on muscle overload/lymphatic drainage with much better results than trying to overdose in Krebs cycle components, or chasing symptoms around the body,

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA These products and above information are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any illness.