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The Eyes Are the Entrance to the Brain

woman touching her head in pain eyes shut

When we have brain inflammation there is often a correlation between macular degeneration and progressive brain damage.  An intraocular eye pressure test is one of the best ways to gauge if you have brain inflammation.

Brain inflammation is difficult to test for, so you have to rely on symptoms such as the head feels hot, especially at night, sleep problems of waking at night and not getting back to sleep, memory issues, anxiety, depression and progressive vision loss. Eye deterioration can be tested by an optometrist, which includes the intraocular eye pressure test. While having my eyes checked recently, the first question I had for the optometrist was what the results for my intra-ocular eye test were. He then told me it came back excellent. I knew that this test was the most important part of the exam for me. As we talked, he told me that he had been educated on the connection between eye and brain health. He had attended seminars with a progressive optometrist speaker about how Lyme infection can cause the chronic brain inflammation and eventually lead to eye damage. This was confirmation on what I already knew, so we had something in common to talk about.

Why the eyes? There are 2 cranial nerves that affect the eye as well as blood and lymph supply. The eyes and these adjoining nerves are very delicate and can become damaged over time from any ongoing inflammatory process in the head from toxins and yes pathogenic invasion.  The structures of the eye and their vulnerability to inflammation and exposure to pathogens is a common process.  Therefore, the health of the eyes, especially the amount of intra-ocular pressure can be a precheck for chronic brain inflammation which we know leads to dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.